Helping Children Cope with their Parents’ Divorce

Not everyone is blessed with a complete and happy family. It is quite acceptable to see broken families, children dealing with step mothers or step fathers, or children dealing with a single parent. Divorce is acquired by most couples who cannot deal with their relationship anymore, or simply cannot work things out between them any longer. When this happens, their children are the ones who suffer the most. They now encounter a state of depression, wherein they tend to think about what they had before as a family, their connection, their close relationship between each other. This often links to even more decrease in their happiness, causing further psychological problems if not dealt with as soon as possible.


When dealing with divorce, the couple themselves need to analyze and think of what is going to happen with regards to their shared finances, their house, and most especially the custody of their children. It is critical for each parent to know what their children are feeling, since this is a state of anxiety not just for them, but also for their kids. Of course, feelings of depression cannot be avoided by everyone, since their lives are about to change, hopefully for the better. But divorce is a hard stage to manage because all family members involved have feelings of anxiety and sometimes depression, which could make things even worse to handle or accept.


Children with divorced parents can truly be unpredictable. Some may show optimism by showing that they are independent and mature with regards to their parent’s condition. This can be seen when children are of proper age, and can understand this kind of predicament. Others may react differently, showing no emotions whatsoever. This situation must be guarded accordingly, since the child may suffer from anxiety or depression but is not capable of letting it all out yet. In this case, it is wise to let the child into family counseling, a good way to communicate and interact with their thoughts and emotions. In this way, they may be able to express what they are truly feeling about the situation, and the respective counselor can assess the child’s behavior and can give an appropriate evaluation of the child. You can look for an experienced child psychiatrist like Dr. Sharmistha Barai.


This can really help in finding peace within the child himself, and can also make him easier to accept the unfavorable situation. Younger children require at least one from the couple to be with them during these kinds of situations since they cannot take care of themselves without having at least a parent nearby. It would be recommended to try and talk to the child in a nice and loving manner, simplifying the events that are taking place. The child needs to know why his parents are not together anymore, so that he may not fall into a state of depression. Giving extra time and effort to the children can be of great help to their emotional healing. Children should be given the attention they need. Being able to communicate well with your children, asking them about their everyday lives, and just to be a part of their life can have a huge impact on their upbringing. Parents should continue to see, talk, and love their children even when the only option to take is divorce.


To read more, visit here:



Child Custody Evaluation by Sharmistha Barai

A child custody evaluation can be ordered by a court if you are involved in a custody dispute with your spouse. The custody evaluation can be required in an initial custody case or in a subsequent case if one of the parents requests that the issue of custody be modified. If you are seeking primary custody of your child, you’ll want to know the guidelines for the child custody evaluation that you will have to undergo. To some extent, these guidelines vary from state to state, so you will need to discuss the child custody evaluation process with your attorney or your state family court.


In general, a child custody evaluation involves a series of meetings between the parents and children and a professional who will assess the custody issue. Sometimes that professional is a psychologist. Sometimes it is a professional with an Masters and sometimes a Doctorate degree. In some states the professional simply investigates and reports the details of the investigation to the court. In other states, the professional doing the child custody evaluation actually gives the court a recommendation as to how custody should be determined.


The manner in which a child custody evaluation is used by a court can also vary from state to state. In some states, the judges put a higher priority on the wishes of the children and that issue is addressed in the custody evaluation. In some of those states, the child’s wishes are considered if the child has attained a certain age. InIllinois, the child’s wishes is a key factor. In other states, it is only one factor or not a factor at all. In Alabama, a chid’s desire is not considered as a reliable factor in determining custody, so the factors to be given priority over the child’s wishes in the child custody evaluation are more focused on the well being an safety of the child.


A child custody evaluation can involve an investigation into moral habits and issues such as alcohol or drug use, church affiliation and family support system. Other issues that can and often are reviewed in a custody evaluation include factors that are unrelated to moral habits, but which are more focused on the determining which parent can satisfy the child’s needs, include the ability to provide an appropriate home, school support, and so forth.


A child custody evaluation can take months to conclude. The investigation aspects can include a review of any existing counselling records for the family, either or both parents, or the children, any mental health records for any of those parties, any criminal records, school records for the children, and one or more interviews with each parent and child and any other individual that the court deems appropriate. For example, if a companion or significant other is living with a parent, that person could have an impact on the day to day lives of the children. The court may want that person included in the child custody evaluation. Some of the evaluation interviews are conducted individually, and some are conducted with parent and children together. That format is dictated by the professional conducting the custody evaluation.


If you are involved in a custody dispute and you will be involved in a child custody evaluation, speak with your attorney about the process that you and your children will be subjected to. Be prepared and open and provide all of the information that is requested of you. Most of all, find out what you are able to say to the children to prepare them for the interviews that they will have to attend.

Also read: Effect of Birth Order on Children

Divorce and the Child Custody Evaluation

Getting prepared for the Child Custody Evaluation can be nerve racking, but if you take these things into consideration outlined by Sharmistha Barai they can guide to you toward a successful Child Custody hearing.


You should be friendly, sincere and candid in your approach toward the opposing attorney. You should the look at the psychological evaluation as if it is a job interview. You should never confide with psychologist. If you do, it may be used against you later. Answer the questions in short, brief, direct sentences. Never give more information than you have to.


You should not say anything against the other parent and his or her family. Show that you know your children and you know about their interests, hobbies, teachers, friends, their educational aims, etc. You should let the psychologist know about all the good qualities of your children. If the psychologist wants to know anything negative about the other parent, you should simply narrate an incident with the facts and stop at that, the psychologist needs to draw the conclusion.


You shouldn’t make any accusation regarding any type of abuse like physical, mental or sexual, until there is enough proof for the same. The psychologist can report to CYS for further investigation for child abuse, if you suspect child abuse, then you should report to CYS instead of making allegations, since false allegations can prove damaging to your reputation and this case as well.


You will require to prepare for the interactional sessions, for this you can bring games, food, homework, anything that might seem appropriate, you should not stray away from the target, you should also make a list of doctors, temples or churches, etc. schools, you should also be aware of any special need of your child and inform the doctor about how you are going to go about fulfilling this need.


So that you remain mentally strong, cool and collected you should get a good night’s sleep. You should pay the psychologist’s fees promptly and try to impress him since his report carries a lot of weight with the judge. In case the psychologist wanted additional information, you can send him information along with a short note about it. You should not call the psychologist unless he wishes so.


You should showcase the current needs of your children instead of focusing on the other parent’s failures. Since the contested Child Custody case is never a finality, you can modify the case and resulting Child Custody schedule at any time later.

Also read here: Anxiety Disorders In Children-Fairly Common

Choosing Activities for A Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

They say that every generation seems to be more complex as it goes by. Kids of today will not be certainly the kids of tomorrow. One generation differs from one another as one grows old and the other is born. Because of this, kids’ behavioral pattern varies.

An example of this is the well-known behavioral condition in children in which they are experiencing hyper activity and restlessness. This disorder is also known as ADHD or the attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder.

This disorder is responsible for a child’s hyperactivity and liveliness. These cases can be managed by consulting a professoinal child psychiatrists like Sharmistha Barai MD. On the other hand, this condition may be used otherwise. If only the parents can direct the attention of their children to other things to make them productive, ADHD could be a key to success.

Children suffering from ADHD are so energetic and they look at everything as it has always been a play. This gives them extra boost in doing physical activities like sports; swimming to strengthen their lungs and stamina, dancing to enhance their balance, and martial arts to develop their heart, muscle and patience.

Most of the children with ADHD are extroverted making them livelier and have a high social competence making them suitable for social activities like seminar speakers, panelists or even teachers. They may also join other social activities to help the community. They may be involved in cleaning the surroundings, joining local clubs, volunteers which aim to help government projects, participating in local shows and contests,

Another option in selecting activities for a child with ADHD is in a form of arts. A child may show interest in painting, photo shooting, and making sculptures. These activities may develop a child’s creativity and logic because such talents empower the logical capacity of a child. Also, these provide some relaxation and peace of mind for the child as well as the person who will look to such creations and work of arts.

While the ADHD has a positive effect on children it is also advisable that parents must keep an eye to their children for they might isolate themselves from doing their tasks and be attracted to more enjoyable yet not that interactive like computer games.

They must learn how to control their own behavior. They should be taught the difference between normal amount from addiction that is why they need a constant monitoring; parents when they are at home, and teachers when they are at school. Continuous monitoring is essential for a child’s development.

The most effective way to control these children is to understand them. Mostly, children with this condition are often discriminated because of their unusual behavior. They don’t need discrimination but understanding. It is better to help them to grow than to discriminate them and allow them to be the problems of the society.

Dr. Sharmistha Barai is a leading Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri, using her talents and expertise to treat clients for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and personality disorders. Dr. Sharmistha specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol. She completed a MBBS degree (medical degree equivalent) at Lady Hardings Medical College, in New Delhi, India (2002).

To read more, please visit here:

Help for Troubled Adolescents: Dr. Sharmistha Barai

Troubled adolescents are recognized as a social problem by general society and governments. There are many avenues available to help troubled adolescents. The best help is till the help provided by parents in a stable family setting. When family is unable to solve the issues of troubled teens parents should seek professional help before it is too late. Parents should identify the problem faced by the young man or woman, explore the many options available to help the adolescent with the problem and choose the option that is best suited for the unique needs of the adolescent.

Family is the best help for troubled teens. Parents should monitor and solve the problems of troubled teens at an early stage. Parents should deal with their adolescents with understanding, friendship, and discipline and by setting an example. Parents can learn how to discipline their teen without a dictatorial approach from the many resources available on the internet. Parents should give the teen the confidence that they are there for the teen and will help in any way to help deal with problems.

If the troubles of the adolescent are too complex and parents are not able to deal effectively with them, the next step is to seek the help of a therapist. Therapists are employed in schools and establish private practices. The family physician will be able to give a referral to a therapist. Therapists are experts at dealing with adolescent trouble and will use many methods to help the trouble adolescent turn around and become positive responsible young men or women. Popular methods used in dealing with adolescent problems are cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, interpersonal therapy and group therapy. Therapists are social workers, mental health counselors, psychiatric nurses or psychologists. They help to change negative thoughts in troubled adolescents and teach them to improve social skills and solve their problems.

Camps are another place where parents of troubled teens enroll their children for reformation. These camps are supervised by counselors and other child welfare professionals. They help troubled teens to learn to develop a system in their life. They help to assess and treat psychological disorders. The special activities organized at the camps aim at changing the lifestyle patterns of troubled adolescents and help them to set and achieve goals.

The last resort for reforming troubled adolescents is to send them to residential schools. Troubled adolescents learn discipline in some schools and are given help by specially trained professionals in others. They live with other troubled adolescents who help each other to lead a more positive e and focused life.

Each adolescent has a different reason for becoming a troubled adolescent and finding the best option to help the adolescent will ensure that the adolescent becomes a better adult.

If you need any help for your adolescent then consult with Dr. Sharmistha Barai.

Dr. Sharmistha specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol. She can definitely help you.

For more reading, please visit here:

Depression Sucks the Life Out of You

Is depression one of the worst plagues of our time? I think so. We are used to hearing about the Black, or Bubonic plague. Back in their time plague songs were used to warn people of the stages to expect. The old English plague song Ring a Ring of Roses is one of those songs. “Ring a ring of roses”…this describes the ring of red blotches that was your first sign that you were infected. “A pocket full of posies”. This refers to the posies of herbs that were thought to help or cure the plague. “A tishoo, a tishoo,” referring to the bout of sneezing that would come and the last line, “we all fall down”, which needs no explanation. Sometimes a plague that started with a flea infestation in damp cloth would kill so many residents of a town or village that the “life” of that place was never the same.

Today, we don’t have official songs to warn us of the symptoms of the plague of depression, although if you consider the titles of many songs from the last one hundred years, you can see that many allude to depression. You can probably have fun thinking of some. Depression isn’t funny though.

Millions of people struggle to find enough energy to do simple tasks such as showering, brushing their teeth or preparing food to eat because they are depressed. One of the main symptoms of depression is severe lack of energy. Many people are labeled lazy or lacking in motivation when they are really depressed. Clinical depression also robs a person of the enjoyment of things they used to love to do. Life feels grey and flat and a sufferer can either sleep too little or sleep too much…often fifteen hours a day. Some depressed people lose weight, some gain weight. Children can suffer with depression, often showing no desire to go to school or play with friends. Many times an element of shame is present. Perhaps the child feels shame about coming from a financially challenged or dysfunctional family. Perhaps the child is being bullied at school. Often the child has not had enough life experience to properly articulate why they are depressed and professional help will need to be sought.

There are several types of depression and medications to help. What works for one person may not for another. Many family physicians treat depression with the lowest dose of an anti depressant, which leaves the patient frustrated and even more depressed as the medication doesn’t seem to be working. If the patient sees a psychiatrist, the medication will most likely be titrated to a much higher dose. Add cognitive therapy to the medication and WOW! You will see improvement.

Some people feel depressed because of a situation such as losing a loved one or a job. Time usually heals this kind of depression. Depression is not the same as “the blues”. We all feel the blues from time to time but if it lasts longer than a week and we begin to spiral down into the symptoms mentioned, then, we need to seek help. Often a person is so weak and tired that they will need an understanding friend to get them to the doctor or therapist’s office for help. Don’t be ashamed if you need that. Depression is a physical as well as a mental illness and it is a real illness. You are not lazy or useless because you feel so depleted. You are ill.

Unfortunately, some people do not respond to medication or cognitive therapy and other kinds of treatment have to be considered. Sufferers of depression will tell how they have tried so many medications before finding the right one for them. If they had been on higher doses sooner, perhaps they would have found the right medication sooner too. It is never wise to change the dosage of a medication without first checking with your doctor, though. Most anti depressants will take three weeks to “kick in” and so don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel better right away. Some suicides may have been avoided if just a little more time on the right medication had occurred.

If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain that is causing your depression, it needs to be addressed. Beware of the entire well intentioned but simplistic advice from others who do not suffer with depression. “Look on the bright side” is a good maxim. However, if you are severely depressed, you may know there is a bright side but you cannot feel it in your soul. You cannot just “pull your self together” any more than a diabetic can just pull himself together without the use of insulin. You know you have things in your life that are good, such as family and friends, but it just doesn’t register in the way that it normally would, if you were not depressed.

Don’t spend a minute longer in the dark grip of depression. This world is a beautiful place and you deserve to enjoy it. Get help now, even if you have to crawl to the phone to take the first step. There is hope. You can recover, even if you have been depressed for a long time.

If you need any help then consult with Dr. Sharmistha Barai. Dr. Barai, a leading Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri can help you or anyone you know dealing with depression to find effective, medically-proven techniques to deal with the disease and other disorders.

Also read here: Bullying Depression: Stop It Before It Gets Worse


Helping Children Cope with a Sibling’s Mental Illness

Emotional or mental illness in children and teens can be extremely difficult for parents to handle, and understandably so.

As challenging as it is for parents, however, your other children suffer as well. Unfortunately, kids lack the emotional maturity and understanding that adults possess, and they may struggle to understand the situation or react appropriately.

Over time, and with the right support, you can help your children understand and accept a situation that affects the entire family.


How Siblings May Be Affected by Mental Illness

Growing up with a sibling with an emotional or mental health disorder can be confusing for kids, especially when they’re younger.


Children understand sicknesses and injuries such as sore throats or broken arms, but mental disorders are essentially invisible. The only evidence they see is their sibling’s potentially erratic behavior. Without the benefit of age and understanding, children may believe that they’ve done something wrong to make sister angry or that she simply doesn’t love them anymore.


Fear and worry are also common in siblings of children with emotional challenges, and kids may become concerned that they will develop the same disorder. Kids are sometimes embarrassed about their sibling’s condition or the behavior it causes. Consequently, they may withdraw socially from their friends to avoid having to talk about it.


Parents can also expect kids to feel some resentment surrounding the time, energy and attention you must devote to your sick child. This may seem unfair to them, and because they don’t understand the severity of the problem, they may perceive that their sister gets special treatment.


Child & Adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Sharmistha Barai says that all of these emotions can lead to kids feeling guilty or selfish because they don’t want to have unkind thoughts toward a beloved family member. Some children even develop their own anxiety or depression problems as a result.


Talking with Kids about a Family Member’s Mental Illness

To help children cope most effectively with all of their conflicting and confusing feelings, parents should talk with a mental health professional to learn the best approach.


A child’s mental illness affects the entire family. Your other children will have many questions and concerns, and it’s important that you are prepared to address them. When talking with kids, parents must communicate at an age-appropriate level, but it’s never wise to try to hide or cover up the obvious.


Younger children may not need as many details, but older school-age children and teenagers may want more specifics. Answering all questions directly and honestly will reassure kids and help them understand and handle their feelings.


Supporting Kids Who Have Mentally Ill Siblings

For some kids trying to cope with a sibling’s mental illness, open conversations with parents and other family members about the disorder may be all they need. Other kids, however, may need more support.


Watch for signs that your children are struggling to cope with the situation. They may have trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, or physical symptoms like frequent headaches or stomachaches. Some kids also may show other signs of stress, including poor concentration or a loss of interest in regular activities.


Many children who are troubled about a mental health issue in the family will benefit from one-on-one counseling or family counseling. A support group designed specifically for siblings of mentally ill children may be helpful, as it will show them that they are not alone and that other kids can relate to their feelings.


Ideally, whatever outlet you choose to help your mentally ill child also will provide the proper support for the rest of the family. Some residential treatment facilities for troubled teens or for those with mental or emotional health problems use an inclusive, family-oriented approach to treatment.


If you have other children in the home, consider selecting a facility that uses a more holistic treatment approach, as it will benefit the entire family when mental illness strikes.


If you need any help then consult with Dr. Sharmistha Barai. Dr. Barai, a leading Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri can help you or anyone you know dealing with depression to find effective, medically-proven techniques to deal with the disease and other disorders. She specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol.

Also read here: Kinds of Child Anxiety Disorder Discussed by Dr. Sharmistha Barai

Obese Children and Their Mental Health

The idea of psychological impacts on an obese child was unheard of until recently as the issue has been receiving quite a bit of worldwide attention. With all this attention, we all wonder what is going on with them mentally and emotionally. For parents, it’s difficult to understand what their child is thinking or feeling as they cannot be with them all day to partake in their daily routine.


At school, teasing and bullying is something that always happens. Children, while innocent and playful, can also be “evil” towards others. In fact, it is known. Children are easy to reflect their immediate feelings and thoughts towards one another. Those who are bullied or teased about their body can have low self-esteem and a bad self-image.


Because of all this teasing, it makes it unlikely that other children will associate themselves with him or her for fear of being bullied and teased as well. The teasing can cause the child to become depressed, sometimes resulting in the child using food as their comfort. If not stopped promptly, this can lead to long term repercussions when they become adults. Food should never be used as comfort.


The psychological effects from childhood can often be seen in adulthood. A large number of obese children and teens grow up to become obese in their adulthood. It’s important that parents notice psychological signs of obesity and prevent it before they become adults. They must improve their self-esteem so they can deal with it in their adulthood.


Obesity in adulthood can lead to social anxieties. In society, humans want to be accepted by others and have friends. Social anxieties in adulthood are often caused by the same anxieties from childhood. It’s valid to say that social anxieties are created as defense mechanisms. Self-preservation causes us to create these anxieties. Thus, it’s important to take notice and do something about it. Don’t ignore it!


For more details you can consult with Dr. Sharmistha Barai. Dr. Barai, a leading Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri can help you or anyone you know dealing with depression to find effective, medically-proven techniques to deal with the disease and other disorders. She specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol.

Also read: Bad Food is Taking a Bite out of Your Children’s Mental Health

Managing Mental Health after a Physical Injury

For accident victims, mental recovery after the physical injury has healed is one of the final obstacles to moving on with their lives. Although their physical health has been restored, their mental and emotional health continues to suffer. They are hesitant to receive medical attention from a psychologist or doctor, even though the compensation from their accident would cover such care. Luckily, simple solutions exist for mental recovery after the physical injury had healed. However, in order to apply these solutions, the accident victim must first admit to having difficulties with his or her mental recovery.


One stumbling block is the inability to move on from being wronged. Frustration with the physical limitations that resulted from the accident injury is common. Accident victims often question the fairness of the injury and the limitations that have been thrust upon them. Denying the challenges of managing mental health after a physical injury will prevent accident victims from accepting valuable support from family, friends, and professionals that may be able to help.


Difficulty with mental recovery after the physical injury has healed may also be attributed to physiological factors. While overcoming depression may be a matter of managing mental health after a physical injury, it may also entail addressing a chemical imbalance in the brain. After an antidepressant or other medication has been prescribed, identifying the source of the depression is the next step toward mental recovery. Below are several steps to finding the underlying causes preventing accident victims from mental recovery after the physical injury has healed.


  1. Define the emotion, such as, “I am frustrated, angry, or resentful.” Understanding the problem will allow accident victims to address and, eventually, resolve it.
  1. Gratitude lifts the spirit, allowing an accident victim to give grace and receive help. Accident victims who are grateful find managing mental health after a physical injury much easier.
  1. Becoming consumed with negative thoughts and emotions will prevent you from mental recovery after the physical injury has healed.


This may sound cliched, but there is much truth to this adage: Gratefulness lifts your spirit, allowing you to give grace and receive help. Those who are grateful recover much better than those who are self-absorbed. This does not mean that you are wrong for the feelings you identified in step one.


Instead, it means that you need two current, emotional identities, the first, your anxious and resolving self, the second, your grateful and helpful self. Don’t believe it? Consider this scenario. In your worst moments, if you saw a child lost in a store, without her mother, only 4 years old and desperate for help, would you walk away? If you said yes, because of your emotional state, then you need to develop this grateful, helpful self again. It is in there, but you are depressing it. Once you begin to give yourself permission to help others, and start to feel the return of your grateful and giving self, you will be amazed how quickly you respond to and resolve some of the worst residual anger, frustration and emotional turmoil thrust on you after an accident.


Once you begin helping others again, you will begin to feel the return of your grateful and giving self. You will be surprised how much this helps you to resolve some of the worst residual anger, frustration, and emotional turmoil thrust on you after an accident.


Dr. Sharmistha Barai, MD is a leading Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri, using her talents and expertise to treat clients for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and personality disorders. Dr. Sharmistha specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol. She completed a MBBS degree (medical degree equivalent) at Lady Hardings Medical College, in New Delhi, India (2002).

To read more, please visit here:

Do You Have a Defiant Child?

Do you have a defiant child? You are not alone. Unruly and defiant children are not exclusive to one type of family. There are found in the poorest, single parent families and the two parents, well educated, middle class family.

Case – Teenager is told she can’t spend the night at a friend’s house.

Reaction – Swearing, having a poor attitude, and storming out saying, “I’ll do what I want”. The police are little to no help. Legally she can come and go as she pleases.

Children often believe they can punish their parents until they get what they want. Though the consequences are much more dire, the actions and reactions are not much different than a three year old yelling and screaming until they get that cookie that they want.


Many parents resort to dragging their child to see a psychiatrist. This can go on for years with no progress being made. Many other opt for medications, trying dozens with no results.


Parents and children feel like they are on a roller coaster ride. Confrontations are heartbreaking. Arguments are very hurtful and punishing. Emotions run so high and nothing gets resolved. Sometimes when we are in pain, we want to cause pain right back. Just remember feelings that are soaring during these verbal battles are not ‘forever feelings’. Things can be fixed!


If your child claims to hate you, don’t be dismayed. How often as parents do you find yourself so angry with your child that you actually hate their company for a time? You don’t hate your child anymore than they hate you. Adults are far more able to differentiate the difference while children are not so well equipped. The “I hate you” declaration usually means they hate what is happening at that moment.


Don’t let your children bully you out of the rules you have established. You have established your rules for good and logical reasons. If you allow their behavior to alter these rules, then you have given them exactly what they want and teach them to behave that way the next time. Someone once defined “insanity” as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.


Don’t give up. Don’t feel like a failure, your not! YOU are the parent. You may be feeling sad, embarrassed, frustrated, and at wit’s end, but there is a way off the roller coaster.


Dr. Sharmistha Barai is a Child & Adolescent psychiatrist based in Saint Louis, Missouri, using her talents and expertise to treat clients for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar and personality disorders. She specializes in general psycho-geriatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, drug and alcohol.